It was our childhood days, when we use to hear stories from our grandmother on the mythological epic ‘Ramayana’. Vivid memories of demi Gods, demons, kings, princess and tales from Sapt Sindhu still exhilarates souls. As we gobbled those legends from the mythological world, it has created lasting impression on generations. Still today, whenever we hear about Lord Ram, Princess Sita, Lord Hanuman, we conflagrate our inner evil and devote us into the ethical world. Lord Ram was not only King of Ayodhya, but the concept of Ram and Ram Rajya is a way of life, where people lived in a world of honesty, ethics and righteousness.
Ravana was altogether a different character and his antagonist vision on peace created a strenuous atmosphere among the areas ruled by him. Many disagree because Ravana on one side was extremely egoistic, ruthless King and on the other side He was knowledgeable, pious and spiritual. He was a great devotee of Lord Shiva, who is one of the main deities of Hinduism. Shaivites worship Him as the Supreme God. Among the common epithets of Lord Shiva are Shambhu (Benign), Shankara (Beneficent), Mahesha (Great Lord) and Mahadeva (Great God). Lord Shiva is generally depicted in painting as a monk sitting on a tiger skin and meditating. He has a Trishul, the primary weapon and a Damru attached to it. King Ravana inspite of being extremely spiritual had tremendous ego. It was this ego that led to his downfall.
It was said that Ravana’s ten head symbolised Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Moha (delusion), Lobha (greed), Mada (pride), Maatsarya (envy), Buddhi (intellect), Manas (mind), Chitta (will) and Ahamkara (ego). It was ego and lust which outwitted his physical senses and this laid to his downfall. However Ravana has also positive qualities. He was a great king, astrologer and a doctor of Ayurveda and one who took extreme care of his inhabitants, for even the poorest of the poor never lived hand to mouth in his kingdom.
Mother Sita of mythology was the princess, however her birthplace is debatable. As per this book, warrior Sita is born in Mithila. The author wonderfully mentions about an incident where Queen Sunaina and King Janak of Mithila was moving across North of Trikuta Hills, Deoghar India, where they intended to meet the legendary Kanyakumari, the Virgin Goddess. The author in the novel writes that in Sapt Sindhu, the land of seven rivers, the blessings of the living Goddesses helped all who came to her with a pure heart.
It was that moment of time they saw a vulture fighting with wolves in a heroic manner. Amidst the struggle amongst the wolves and the vulture, the queen found a baby in the furrow in the dry mud. The vulture was protecting it from the pack of wolves. As per the book, it was here inside the mother Earth, Princess Sita was found.
The author wonderfully synchronised mythology with his own imagination and brought back characters to life. As per this book, Sita was a fighter and a Chauvinistic nationalist, eager to put herself in danger to serve the masses. Her intelligent decisions soon made Mithila a flourishing state. She took over charge of Mithila after her mother Sunaina expired. Though Sita was not her own daughter, they shared a wonderful relationship based on mutual respect. Sita was left with Urmila the biological daughter of Queen Sunaina and King Janak.
One of the most remarkable lines the author put forward through the words of Queen Sunaina in her last moments, while advising Princess Sita to take over seemed true for all of us even in our present times;
‘There’s no escape from problems and challenges. They’re a part of life. Avoiding Mithila does not mean that your troubles will disappear. It only means that other challenges will appear.’
(Excerpts taken from the Book, 'Sita Warrior of Mithila' by Amish Tripathi)
Also, Queen Sunaina at her last moments, spoke;
‘Listen to me, Sita. You will not waste your life mourning me. You will live wisely and make me proud.’
(Excerpts taken from the Book, 'Sita Warrior of Mithila' by Amish Tripathi)
These lines clearly shows that daughters during those times were as efficient as men and can in turn govern as wisely as many efficient men in those centuries. The thought of the author through this story helps one to understand that Sita was just not a princess, a queen, a wife but also a fighter, who had the ability to face challenging situations. No matter whether She was given the Title of Vishnu by the Malayaputras, She is a cause of veneration for extreme courage.
This book details as to how Sita met Ram and his choice of undertaking fourteen years of exile in the forest and do penance. Ram’s struggle along with his brother Lakshman and his wife Sita are some tales, which the author has wonderfully written. However as I said that not all these stories are from the Hindu Mythology Ramayana, but the imagination of the author Amish Tripathi has brought tremendous interest in the mind of the reader as to, ‘what will happen next?’
This is a second book to the Ram Chandra Series and it ends by Ravana’s successful plan in capturing Sita. The way in which the author has written this book increases interest about the story.
I read the book and if I have to rate the book on 10 Stars and 10 being the highest, I will give the book 9 stars.
(Please Note: The above are my own personal thoughts based on reading this book. Your views, facts, and opinions after reading the book may differ. You may please place your comment, if any facts written in this article need to be relooked.)
This is all from me in this short article. Hope you have liked my personal thoughts and opinions. Please share your views or comments on the Book Review and Recommendation of the book, ‘Sita Warrior of Mithila’ written by Amish Tripathi.
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Mainak Majumdar, Book Critic
After reading your book review i feel like buying the book. Thanx for a wonderful book recommendation. 😘