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The book 27 Stars, 27 Gods is a great book on Nakshatra and Astrology as per the Vedic Astrology System. The book is all about the Astrological Mythology of Ancient India. The book is written by Vic DiCara (Vraja Kishore das).
The book provides a very detailed description of the Nakshatras Asvini, Bharani, Krttika, Rohini, Mrigasira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pusya, Aslesa, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Citra, Svati, Visakha, Anuradha, Jyestha, Mula, Purva Asadha, Uttara Asadha, Sravana, Dhanistha, Satabhisaj, Puva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati and one of the Nakshatra which was special Abhijit.
Stars in the skies and their studies have always fascinated human beings from ages. Its been a life time experience to watch the open sky and see the beauty of the night horizon. Sometimes, we use to think, is there a end to this concept called ‘Universe’. Billions and billions of Stars and the rocky gaseous solids occupy the empty space in this vastness. Does these stars have some effect on humans and other living beings? The question also arises as to what effect does these astrological planets and stars have on our soul and physical body. Does situations around us changes due to the aspect of these billions of stars or its just an human imagination? As these questions circles around our mind, we try to analyze the happenings due to the aspect of other planets on this flying Rock.
Our Planet Earth has almost three fourth of water and our body also contains water as the most important component. These high and low tides are caused due to the gravitation effect of the planet Moon. Science has great explanations regarding the phenomenon. It is said that there are two points where the Moon through its gravitational pulls the water and these are the sub-lunar and the antipodal points. Its seen that the ocean bulging are highest right over those spots. But does that also mean that the Moon gravitation pull also has some or the other effect on the water and other liquids present in the human body, which leads to different types of effects on individuals? These need to be analyzed and personally, I have felt that during Full Moon, I have a different experience than during other times. So, does the cosmic sky and its movements have different types of effects on we humans. It may be and may not be. Some practical and rational mind may contradict my thoughts but there may be researches going on, as to how these massive gaseous planets which rotates in the universe affect Earth and in turn us.
As per NASA, research on the role of gravity in space and its effects on the growth of plants, it is dedicated to systematic studies that explores the role of gravity, which plays at all stages in the life of higher plants. The research focuses on the interaction of gravity and other environmental factors with the plant systems and which uses hyper gravity, simulated hypo gravity and micro gravity as tools to advance fundamental knowledge of plant biology.
So, the concept lies, if these billions of planets in the universe has its direct effect on us. In previous times, as per Vedic Astrology, only 9 planets directly use to affect us and our events in this planet. So, based on the position of the Stars in the sky exactly during birth, the Astrologers use to make their charts to predict the happenings of the events. The same holds true today with predictions done based on those nine planets. In the Western Astrology three more planets which was discovered in the later stages is counted and these are Uranus, Pluto and Neptune. So, at times, there are events, which may not be analyzed with the presence of the planets Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. Here please note that the planet Rahu is considered to be the North Node of the Moon and Planet Ketu is known as the South Node of the Moon.
Let us discuss this planet Uranus, which is the seventh planet from the Sun and as per NASA these is the third largest in diameter in the Solar System. Being very cold and windy, its an ice giant and has 27 moons circling the planet. It takes 84 Earth years to rotate around the Sun. That means an entire generation is likely to have the same placement of Uranus in an Astrological Chart and may act in similar ways. This has its explanation as to why we find an entire generation focused on a particular agenda and may act quite similar. This planet is 4 times larger than the Earth. So, in astrology, does the planet Saturn has some similarity with this planet Uranus? It is said that the planet Uranus has two sets of rings. The outer ring is blue just like the planet Saturn. Hence, what does it mean in terms of Astrology. Uranus do at times act like Saturn in terms of its effect as per Astrology.
The other planet which is around 3.6 billion miles from the Sun is the small planet Pluto, which is a mountainous, glacier, valley crater, very cold planet mainly composed of Nitrogen, Methane and carbon -dioxide. Planet Pluto as per NASA is only about 1,400 miles wide. Hence, it is just half the width of the United States. Pluto is full of mystery and hence in Astrology it has a special significance. Its just like a mirror as well as a mystery, where we are yet to know the unknown. Its like the unknown, which you may need to face. It takes 248 earth Hours to rotate round the planet Sun.
There is another important planet, which needs to be mentioned here is Neptune. Its very cold, dark and with super-sonic winds and is four times larger than Earth. Neptune takes about 165 Earth Years to rotate around the Sun. Neptune has 14 known moons which are named after sea gods and nymphs in Greek mythology. Neptune denotes the vastness and if it squares Moon, one can feel the vastness of the mind.
From ages, the sages use to look at these stars in the sky to predict as to what is going to happen in one’s life. They use to look and calculate through the Hindu traditions of calculating degrees through the Nakshatra’s. In a horoscope the 360 degrees are calculated into 27 Nakshatras. Actually, there were 28 Nakshatra’s and the Abhijeet Nakshtra is merged into the 27 Nakshatras.
Each of this Nakshatra has its own ruling deity and also these plays a major role in deciding and understanding the characteristics of the individuals. When a human soul takes birth, it is born in a particular Nakshatra. That determines the type of the individual and based on the position of other planets in various Nakshatras, a future is predicted. Even each of these Nakshatras are divided into various padas of 3 degree 20 minutes each, which again helps to understand the power and aspect of the planet situation in that particular degree. There are 27 Nakshatras and these are Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrighasira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishaka, Anuradha, Jyestha, Moola, Purvashada, Uttarashada, Sharavan, Dhanishta, Shatabisha, Purvabhadra, Uttarabhadra, and Revati.
The moon takes around 27 days to circle the zodiac. So each day, the Moon has to cover almost thirteen degrees. Hence, when we see the Moon each night, we see a change in the position of the Moon. In earlier times, when 28 nakshatras were calculated, the movement of the moon was less than this aforementioned degrees. Based on the placement of the Moon, one’s birth Nakshatra is determined and the predictions are done. Even the names of the individuals are given seen the birth Nakshatra, as per vedic astrology. It is said that the sky has many mysteries and one who has the gift to understand these mysteries through the mathematical calculations can predict wonders.
Have you heard about the Seven Sages or Sapta Rishis? Which stars use to symbolize them. Its really interesting that these stars were more illuminated in the night sky than any other stars. Ancient Sages, use to look into the stars in the open sky and use to predict. Many a times, they were perfect in their calculations. Even in some beliefs the pole star was symbolized as Lord Vishnu. These stars of the zodiacal belt had a tremendous influence on us and it was believed that particular movements of these Stars helped to calculate a event.
These nakshatras arose from the spiritual plane of the cosmic skies. The Nakshatras were all about connecting oneself with the cosmic powers and taking ones human thoughts to the cosmic mind. Each cosmic planets and its position in a nakshatra has a story to tell.
It is written in the Atharva Veda XIV.1.13 that ‘The bridal train of the Sun Goddess comes, with the Sun God has set in motion. In Magha (Leo), the cows are slain, in the Phalgunis (Virgo), she is wed.’ ( As per the David Frawley — Gods, Sages and Kings — Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization)
This is interesting and exciting. As I started my own research and thoughts on Nakshatras for years, I invite you to place your thoughts in the comment section.
If I have to rate the book on 10 stars and 10 being the highest, I will give the book 9 stars.
(Please Note: The above are my own personal thoughts after going through the book. Some views expressed above are thoughts expressed in some websites. Your views and opinions after reading the book may differ)
You may also hear a Podcast on Nakshatra Astrology at:
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/astrological-analysis/m-majumdar-nakshatra-vedic-astrology-podcast-3
This is all from me in this article. Hope you have liked my personal thoughts and opinions.
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Mainak Majumdar, Book Critic